writing samples

LawTube Edutainment: Learning About Law from YouTube

What happens when you combine a high-profile celebrity defamation case, a former district attorney, and the internet? The answer: A change in how people consume legal content and a rise in the popularity of “LawTube.” In 2022, the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard defamation trial captivated millions of viewers who tuned into their YouTube channel of choice to watch the trial and, in some cases, hear live commentary from legal experts dissecting the courtroom drama. One expert commentator, Emily D. Baker, a former Los Angeles district [Read More]

writing samples

These 14 Style Pieces Will Stay In Your Closet Until You’re a Golden Girl

Okay, I admit it: I’ve raided my grandma’s closet more than a few times. Sounds crazy, right? Here is the thing: Grams is a stylin’ lady. She still takes great care of herself and is more up-to-date on fashion than my well-meaning mother, who, while she tries, is not the best at putting together timeless outfits or buying fashion-related gifts without a list. I love my momma, but Grams’ closet is definitely where it’s at. I learned most of what I know about makeup from her, [Read More]

writing samples

Grim Ginning Ghosts – A Visit to Disney’s Haunted Mansion

Step into a world of gravediggers, ghosts, and doom buggies – welcome to Walt Disney’s Haunted Mansion. Walt Disney’s Haunted Mansion has thrilled guests in theme parks worldwide since its eerie debut on August 9, 1969. When the first and original Haunted Mansion at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, opened its creaky gates to the public, this iconic attraction immediately spooked and enchanted visitors of all ages.  Origin and Legacy: Walt’s Haunted Vision The attraction’s opening wasn’t until after Walt’s death, but he still had a large [Read More]

writing samples

The Unsung Heroes of Disney Theme Parks and Resorts: Custodial Cast Members

Your family just finished a spectacular Walt Disney World vacation! After a long but magical seven days, it is time to say goodbye to WDW and all the enchantment it brings. From the moment you passed beneath the train station and stepped onto Main Street, U.S.A. at the start of your adventure to your final moment waving goodbye to Animal Kingdom’s Tree of Life, you made memories to last a lifetime. And you only could have done it with the help of the thousands of Cast [Read More]

writing samples

Welcome to the World of Paragon Polish

5 Free, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free Nail Lacquer Our 5-free, vegan, and cruelty-free nail colors are the perfect way to unwind and pamper your appendages without paying big bucks at a nail salon. Our quick dry nail polish formula means you can enjoy a fun and unique manicure from the comfort of your own home. With our product, there is no need to spend the next 3 hours waving your hands in the air while you wait for your nails to dry (and probably denting them anyway!). [Read More]